1. a more or less orderly pile or heap: a precariously balancedstack of books; a neat stack of papers.
2. a large, usually conical, circular, or rectangular pile of hay,straw, or the like.
Often, stacks. a set of shelves for books or other materialsranged compactly one above the other, as in a library.
stacks, the area or part of a library in which the books andother holdings are stored or kept.
3. a number of chimneys or flues grouped together.
assemble, bank, bundle, cock, drift, heap, hill, hoard, load,
Initial Ideas
Originally i didn't know which part of stacks i wanted to focus on so i thought i would do some research
I found this photo on google images, i typed in 'stacks' into google images and this picture was on the first page. It is a picture of a 'stack' rock in the sea. I was drawn to this picture because of the contrast between the water and the sky. The photographer has chosen to have the 'stack' focused to the left of the frame so the viewer will be drawn to to the stack on the left. There is nothing else in the photo that stands out as much as the stack so this is the main focus in this image. The photographer has chosen to include both the sky and water equally, which balances out the photo and makes it pleasing to the eye. The composition is quite simple, the sea in in the foreground and background, the stack is in the background and the sky further behind that. Even though the stack seems quite far back in the image it is still the main focus. There is quite a lot of light in this photo so it has a great depth of field. Everything is in focus and has clear outlines so its a god quality photo. There is a strong contrast between the orange sky and the deep blue sea. The subtle orange colour in the sky adds warmth to the photo, if it was just the bright blue sky and the darker blue sea it would be a darker, colder image. There is a mixture of high contrasting and low contrasting. For example the orange sky and the sea have a high contrast but the sky blue and orange is more of a low contrast again adding warmth to the photo making it seem less harsh. It is a wide shot so a wide lens would have been used. I like this photo however I'm not sure i would be able to recreate it as it would be hard to find a stack like this.
This is a photo of a stack of creates. I found this picture on google images when i typed in 'stacks'. I found this image quite striking because of the directional lines created by the horizontal pieces of wood. There are three stacks included in the image, however the one on the left isn't entirely included which makes the image unsymmetrical. The stack on the right is closest to the camera whereas the other two stacks are sightly further back which creates a directional line and draws the eye to the left. Again this photo is is focus so has a great depth of field. The photo looks like it has been taken outside because there is a lot of light coming from above and their are trees in the background
I really like this image. I think it could be a metaphorical photo, for example the man is physically climbing on a stack of paper but this could mean metaphorically he's struggling with his work.
Stacks in terms of nature
I found this image on google images when i typed in 'stacks
Experimental photos in Corbet Wood
I went to Corbet Wood and the top of Grinshill in Shropshire to take some experimental photos. I wanted to takes some pictures of stacks of rocks. When i got to the wood i couldn't find a great deal of rocks however there were a lot of trees so i took some picture of these trying to create layers within the wood. I then went to the top of the hill and took some close up pictures of the flat rocks on there. I also took some log shot of the view because i liked the layered effect of the fields and i thought I could relate this to stacks as layers are on top of one another.
Photoshop work
I went onto photoshop and edited the image on adjustments. This is a chalk and charcoal effect. The black and write effect makes the photo look more striking. I haven't cropped the image as i like what i included in the frame. The lines in the rock make a diagonal focus in the photo. It causes the viewers eye to look across the whole image. The lower part of the rock is the closet and is in the foreground, this makes you focus on this part of the rock. I think the lines in the rock make the rocks look like they are bulging out. I think the contrast between the darks and lights is very effective and defines the lines the rock. The majority of the image is in focus so there is quite a strong depth of field. The effect iv'e put on the photo has made the outlines less crisp so has reduced the quality of the photo a bit. However I like this effect as it makes it appear less harsh and adds some emotion and expression to the photo. The photo has been taken straight on and is quite a close up shot. I wanted to really capture the contours of the rock.
I put a black and white effect on this photo an adjusted the lighting. I think it defines the vertical lines created by the trees especially in the background to the right and this is what stands out for me in this image. I have chosen to include a selection of trees on a hillside in the frame. The composition of the photo is quite complex, there are several layers. The sky is in the background, followed by the bushes in the far distance, then the trees are in the mid-ground and finally there is one tree that is in the foreground. Even though there is one tree in the foreground i feel that the trees in the mid-ground stand out more. This could be due to the light that is bouncing of the trees, it makes them appear more in focus. Whereas the tree in the foreground is quite dark, which makes it blend in with the other darker parts of the photo. I tried to create a gradual change from dark to light in this image. The bottom right is the darkest part of the photos then the middle part is slightly lighter leading onto the sky which is the lightest, I think this creates an interesting effect. Again because of the effect I put on the image, adjusting the lightness, it has made the outlines less sharp and defined so the photo is not as crisp and is not that great quality because of this. This is a wide shot and is again taken straight on.
The hue saturation, contrast and brightness were altered on this photo.
blck and white effects, hue saturation brightness and contrast
Chimney Stacks
I liked the idea of looking into chimney stacks for a different idea. The pictures below are from google images and then I have taken some of my own photos below that.
google images
google images
google images
google imags
Experimental photos of stacks with objects
Inspirational Photo for final piece
Final Photos
For my final photos i wanted to create some stacks with a variety of objects. I really liked the photo above where there is a miniature man 'climbing up a stack of paper. i think that this would be interesting to re-create.
I edited these photos on photoshop and cut around the miniature people and fitted them into places which I thought looked good.
Review of final Piece
I am pleased with the final pieces however i think if i had more time i would of presented the pictures in a more creative way. I would also spend more time on photoshop editing the pictures and creating more interesting effects.